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5 Proven Ways to Get Rid of Dust Mites

Having been in the air purifier business since 2009, we have talked with a lot of people about dust. Dust comes in a variety of forms and sizes, and it even varies by geography. 

Everyone deals with dust whether it comes from the desert in Phoenix or air pollution and wildfires in California. Pet owners have their own set of dust challenges as well.

No matter the source of dust, dust mites can be present, so it's important to know how to get rid of them. 


What are Dust Mites?

A dust mite is a tiny insect that often lives in household dust. They contribute to household airborne allergens.

A single dust mite is roughly one third or a millimeter in length, and they're too small to see without a microscope. Related to spiders, these tiny insect-like bugs do not bite, sting, burrow, or impact our bodies in any way. It’s their leavings, including skin cells and droppings, that create health issues.

Dust mite allergies can show up as a runny nose or sneezing. Heightened asthma symptoms like difficulty breathing and prolonged wheezing is common, and some people have symptoms of itchy skin. 

Dust mites do not bite, but they do feed off things like dead skin. The problem they cause is exacerbating allergy and asthma symptoms. 


How to Get Rid of Dust Mites in a Room

Fortunately, there are several things you can do to remove dust mites for you to breathe and feel better. You are not going to remove 100% of them, but you can reduce the numbers to feel better.

  1. Dust mites need a water source. With the use of a dehumidifier or air conditioner you can keep the relative humidity below 50%. This is relevant to the summer months if you live in a warmer climate. Learn more at how humidifiers, dehumidifiers and air purifiers compare.

  2. Dust mites also need a food source so try to get rid of their food sources or places where they can thrive. Removing carpeting and regularly cleaning your home is the best way to remove dust where the mites thrive. But, when you vacuum you tend to kick up the dust mites which then stay suspended in the air. Wearing a mask or getting someone else that does not suffer from dust allergies to vacuum can help. Yes, an excuse to get out of vacuuming. If you have a family member that suffers from dust allergies, it’s best for them to be away from the room being cleaned.

  3. Use an air purifier for dust removal. You need a HEPA filter with sufficient air flow to effectively clean your room so you are not breathing in the dust mites and other allergens kicked into the air while vacuuming.

  4. Cover your pillows and mattress in an allergen cover. Wash all bedding and blankets at least once a week in hot water to kill the dust mites. Dust mites are living organisms and can be better controlled with frequent washing.

  5. When dusting, use a damp cloth. Dusting with a dry cloth just sends the dreaded dust and dust mite allergens into the air.


Under What Conditions do Dust Mites Thrive?

Dust mites found in the home have a specific environment that they prefer. These little bugs tend to thrive in warm areas with high humidity, which makes many places in the home ideal.

The best conditions for growth for a dust mite is 75 to 80 degrees, along with 70% to 80% relative humidity.

They can absorb moisture through their skin. This leaves them vulnerable to dehydration. Humidity levels in the home can have a strong impact on the growth and survival rates of dust mites.

In dry locations, such as the American southwest, dust mites tend to be less frequent, but any home from coast to coast can have these microscopic insects.

Food, as you might have guessed, is rarely an issue for dust mites, especially when they live in an occupied home. Their main food source is actually skin flakes from humans and pets in the house. Dust mites tend to be in areas where the most skin is, including beds, couches, and pet pillows.

Where are You Likely to Find Dust Mites?

Dust is in many places. Any cloth, surface, or corner can harbor this pesky little insects. You will find that most are in a few specific areas.


Dust mites are in places where you spend most of your time. For this reason, the mattress is usually the place where the most dust mites are.


We tend to shed a lot of our skin cells off of our heads. This is especially true for people with dry scalps and dander. This makes pillows one of the most common places for dust mites. Washing and sanitizing your pillows and pillow covers may be a necessary step.


Plush, comfortable, and relaxing, a couch is often the most treasured piece of furniture in a home. Many people spend hours on a couch. This means the comfy cozy padding could become a home for dust mites. The blankets and pillows often used on a couch can also be an issue.

Pet Beds

If you have a dog or cat in the home, you likely have a bed for them. This could be a simple blanket, or a pet has their own comfy chair. This relaxing pet bed, like your own bed, can become a home for dust mites. You should regularly clean your pet's bedding along with your own to reduce the amount of dust mites.

Rugs and Carpet

Fabrics often hold and trap dust for years, and vacuuming can only remove so much. Rugs that have a lot of dust can become a common place for dust mites. This often occurs in areas near couches and beds, which may hold more dust than other locations.

Padded Chairs

Padded chairs can absorb a lot of dust, dander, and skin cells. They can harbor a surprising amount of dust. You may discover that your chair is also home to thousands of dust mites.

Car Seats (Including Children’s Seats)

A study conducted at the National University of Ireland sought to learn if dust mites are in car seats. After collecting samples and counting mites, the conclusion was clear. Child car seats and driver seats hold a significant amount of dust mites. The levels are large enough to “aggravate allergen related illnesses in individuals who are predisposed.”

Hard Surfaces

We think of dust mites as little creatures hiding in cloth and pillows. But sometimes hard surfaces can hold these little vermin as well. If hardwood floors, tabletops, bookshelves, or other hard surfaces are not dusted, they can become a source of dust mites.

Hard-to-Reach Corners

Anywhere there is dust, there can be dust mites. Hard-to-reach corners of the home, where dust often collects, are places where you may find mites. Clean for dust near corners, floor trim, cabinets, and behind furniture to reduce the levels of dust mites in your home.

Health Risks Associated with Dust Mites

It might be unpleasant to think about, but why does it matter if there are dust mites in the home? Or if there are airborne mold spores and virus particles?

There can be a significant health concern if dust mites are in large concentrations. While you could have dust mites and never notice, if you have a lot of dust mites and allergies to the airborne pollution that they produce, then you will likely notice a major problem from dust mites.

Dust mite symptoms involve the nasal passages. Dust mite particles are inhaled through the nose, which means that sneezing is very common if you're inhaling dust mites, and a runny nose can also occur. You can experience nasal congestion, itchy nose, and postnasal drip. 

There is also the chance that dust mites could cause a problem with your eyes. Many who are either allergic to dust mites, or sensitive to their airborne particles, may experience itchy or watery eyes. The eyes could become irritated, and you may want to rub them, which could lead to further irritation. There can also be swelling or a blue color under the eyes, or a redness in the eyes themselves.

Those allergic to dust mites may also have problems with their face in general. It is not uncommon for someone affected by dust mites to have facial pressure and pain. Likewise, someone could have irritation or even itching in the roof of their mouth or throat.

Unfortunately, dust mites can also cause problems with asthma. If you have asthma and are exposed to air pollutants from dust mites, you could experience a wide range of issues, including difficulty breathing.

This is one of the most common issues with asthma, and it’s not unheard of for dust mites to contribute to this problem. Chest tightness is also a concern that is associated with asthma, as is wheezing and coughing.

Dust mites, while they don’t cause asthma, can trigger an asthma attack, which leads to these symptoms. Asthma can also be triggered by trouble sleeping, which is often caused by a shortness of breath or nighttime coughing and wheezing.

All are worse if the asthma victim is suffering from bouts of respiratory problems caused by a virus, such as a flu or cold.


How to Get Rid of Dust Mites: More Steps You Can Take

How else can we eliminate dust mites in our homes?

There are many techniques that are effective for reducing the amount of dust mites. It comes down to killing the mites themselves and reducing their main food source: household dust.

Reduce the Household Temperature

Earlier, we mentioned how dust mites love warm, damp climates, so one of the best steps to reduce the concentration of these bugs is to disrupt their comfortable habitat. This means reducing the temperature in your home so it is not comfortable for dust mites.

Generally, the mites thrive in temperatures about 75 to 80 degrees. They prefer high humidity, around 70 to 80%. By lowering the temperature in your home, and reducing the humidity through devices like dehumidifiers, you have a better chance at lower levels of dust mites.

Set your indoor temperature to 70 degrees. This is a perfectly comfortable level for most people. If you can tolerate a few degrees cooler, you live with less chances for dust mites.

Clean Dust on a Regular Basis

Dust is the main source of food for dust mites. If you can take away their food source, you can significantly reduce the pest. Look around your house and find places where dust tends to accumulate. Then wipe these areas with a damp cloth or a microfiber duster.

Whatever you do, be sure that you are picking up dust and not just moving it around. (Feather dusters simply scatter dust about the home, so they don’t really solve any problems.) Dusty cabinets and countertops can also harbor dust mites. So, you will want to thoroughly wash these areas as well.

Vacuuming is an essential part of dust cleaning. It’s one of the best ways to capture dust, dander, and many other airborne pollutants and allergens.

Wash Fabrics in Hot Water

Dust mites are not particularly fond of hot water. When you wash pillow cases, sheets, and blankets, make sure the temperature setting on your laundry machine is set to high. This will give you the best chance at killing and removing a large amount of dust mites.

Washing your bedding at high temperatures, which will eliminate many of the dust mites while removing dust itself from the cloth. If any mites survive the wash, a hot dryer should take care of the rest. If you are serious about keeping down dust mites, clean your sheets in this manner at least once a week.

Use High-Quality Carpet Cleaners and Steam Cleaners

Many of the dust mites in your home are hiding in the carpet, but you can attack them where they stay by using a steam cleaner in your house. Steam cleaners are a great way to clean things that are not suitable for washing machines, such as carpets and rugs.

Steam cleaners can deliver temperatures as high as 250 degrees, which means they can kill lots of dust mites. Carpets, cushions, bathroom surfaces, and other hard-to-reach areas are perfect for a steam cleaner.

Freeze the Mites

A child’s toy like a stuffed animal is likely to collect a lot of dust mites. Many of them cannot be ran through laundry machines. However, extreme cold is just as likely to kill dust mites as extreme heat.

Take your children’s favorite toys and place them in a sealed bag. Then place them in the freezer overnight and you will have destroyed many, if not all, of the dust mites. For the best results, try freezing your child’s toy for 24 hours.

Use Hypoallergenic Mattress Covers and Pillow Cases

Hypoallergenic mattresses and pillow covers effectively stop dust mites from infesting your bed. A mattress cannot be completely dust free. But you can reduce the amount of dust mites by using the right products. The right mattresses and pillow covers will significantly reduce the amount of dust mites in your bedding.

Choose Hard Flooring over Carpets

Carpet, as we mentioned above, is a common hiding place for dust and dust mites. For this reason, you may want to consider using hardwood or tile flooring instead of carpeting. With hard flooring, you will have a far easier time cleaning the surface, which means you can remove dust more effectively and, in turn, reduce the chances of dust mites.

Get Rid of Soft Drapes and Curtains

Like all soft fabrics, drapes and curtains can collect dust, which means they can also collect dust mites. Replace any soft drapery with a hard material. Plastic is the obvious choice, but you can also choose something more fashionable, such as wooden shades to give your home a warm, stylish look without creating a home for dust mites to thrive.

Use an Air Purifier for Dust

Of all the techniques you can use to reduce the amount of dust in your home, having an air purifier is one of the easiest and most convenient. With a top-quality air purifier with a HEPA filter, you will have a machine that is constantly reducing the overall amount of contaminants in your home, leading to fewer airborne particles, including those created by dust mites.


Dust Mites: Not to Be Confused with Bed Bugs

Dust mites are commonly found on mattresses, which leads many people to confuse them with bed bugs. Bed bugs, are a separate species.

Dust mites, while unpleasant, do not bite like bed bugs. Bed bugs are larger and leave marks on skin.

If you find bite marks after sleeping, you likely have bed bugs or a different biting insect. Bite marks are not an sign of dust mites.


Improve Your Home’s Air Quality with an Oransi Air Purifier

You deserve the best air quality for your home, so purchase an Oransi air purifier and take advantage of our advanced materials and world-class designs. Whether you want to reduce dust mites in your bedroom or clean the air in a commercial space, we have the right air purifier for your needs!


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