Adopted Birds And Air Purifiers
January has been recognized as Adopt a Rescued Bird Month for over a decade as animal shelters and bird rescue organizations try to raise awareness about homeless domestic birds. January 5th is National Bird Day and acts as a day of appreciation for birds. These birds, like any other sheltered animal, are looking for their forever homes.
Pet adoption has been on the rise since COVID-19 lockdowns as people were looking for companionship. But, some are abandoning their pets as everyone slowly goes back to work causing an influx of animals in shelters.
Most first think of cats and dogs when thinking of animals in shelters, but birds have become the fourth most popular pet in the United States and there are several websites dedicated to helping you find the perfect bird for your home.
Like with any other pet commitment, there are several things to consider before adopting a bird. The amount of room a bird has in your indoor living area is important. They need to have a big enough living area to be able to stretch their wings and ideally be able to fly around a room or throughout the entire house.
It’s important to research which kind of bird you’re looking to adopt before committing. There are countless species of birds and all have different attributes and considerations. Some talk, some require lower maintenance, and some require more room depending on their size.
Another big consideration before committing to a bird companion is their lifespan. Many birds live longer than 8 years and some live as long as humans (between 30-50 years) potentially making birds lifelong companions.

Whether you already have a bird bestie or are looking to adopt a new companion, it’s important to make their indoor environment as comfortable and healthy as possible. Just like us, birds are negatively affected by chronic exposure to air pollution.
The best way to combat ambient air pollution is to purchase an air purifier with a high efficiency air filter. An air purifier cleans your indoor living area and creates the best indoor air environment to maintain healthy air quality.
An air purifier also helps to clean pet dander, including bird dander, created by bird feathers and dust particles. Bird dander can harm you or the other pets in your home, but an air purifier will mitigate any allergic reaction or difficulties due to bird dander.