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Air Purifiers And Mental Health

World Mental Health Day is October 10, 2021. While we should always be paying attention to our health in general, it’s nice to have a reminder to make mental health a priority! 


World Mental Health Day 2021:

This year’s theme is “Mental Health in an Unequal World” which aims to highlight the ever-growing economic divide between people all over the globe concerning access to mental health services.

The theme also puts a spotlight on a general lack of mental health services especially in relation to physical health, which should be remedied as mental health is just as important. And while we have talked a lot on our blog about allergies, viruses, bacteria, and mold, today is a great opportunity to talk about how air quality doesn’t just impact physical health, it also impacts mental health.

How Does Air Pollution Affect Mental Health?

Air pollution has been proven to affect mental health according to a study in the International Journal of Occupational Medicine and Environmental Health. The study found a connection between air pollution and increased emergency room visits for depression. The worse the air pollution, the higher the number of people visiting the emergency room for symptoms of depression.

Air pollution can also be tied to feelings of psychological distress including feelings of sadness, nervousness, restlessness, hopelessness, and worthlessness.

There’s a clear connection between air pollution and mental health. Whether you are focusing on the higher rates of depression in areas with high air pollution or focusing on the connection between high air pollution and sleep deprivation it’s important to clean the air in your indoor living or working area with air purifiers.

Allergies And Mental Health:

Allergies like hay fever can affect mental health as well. This is especially true in adolescents as they are just beginning to develop habits and make big decisions on their own in life.

These big life events like learning how to drive or decisions related to school bring anxiety. And this is compounded by potential feelings of anxiety and depression linked to having allergies and hay fever.

Allergies and hay fever cause more than just sneezing, headaches, and watery eyes. It’s important to keep these allergy symptoms, including the mental health symptoms like anxiety and depression, in check by paying attention to your air quality and cleaning the air in your indoor living space.

Allergies can cause sleep deprivation, which is another contributing factor to poor mental health including increased stress and anxiety. Running an air purifier while sleeping is a great cost-effective way to help stop allergy symptoms from ruining a good night’s sleep!  

It is also helpful to monitor outdoor air quality as well, such as keeping track of the pollen count in your area with MapMyAir. Along with affecting mental health and your sleep, it is simply difficult to think clearly while suffering from allergy symptoms, and air purifiers will help.

Air Quality And Mental Health:

One way to ensure there is good air quality in your home to help strengthen your mental health, as well as your physical health, is to add high-quality air purifiers into the indoor living area.

Oransi air purifiers, available with different square footage coverage and in an easily portable device, take in air, filter out all the nasty particles, and then push the clean air back into the living area.

Clean air allows everyone to breathe more easily. And Oransi air purifiers will help to reduce allergy symptoms and keep anxiety and stress levels down while also helping everyone get a good night’s sleep. Air purifiers help the overall mental health and wellness of everyone in the home.