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Spread Love, Not Pet Dander!

Anyone with a pet can tell you about the hair and dander left around the house. Pet dander can hurt both humans and pets. It can make your home a breeding ground for dust mites and allergens. 

Thankfully, an air purifier is an easy solution to help both you and your pets!


Pet Dander Causes Harm to Everyone

Pet dander comes from the skin of our beloved pets including dogs, cats, and birds. It can cause an allergic reaction and harm the respiratory system. Those allergic to dander can experience symptoms including runny or stuffy nose, itchy or watery eyes, and shortness of breath. 

Pet dander can affect both humans and pets. We usually think of us having pet allergies, but excessive dander can also affect a pet’s respiratory system similarly to ours.


How Air Purifiers Help with Pet Dander 

Air purifiers take in dirty air, filter out all the nasty particles, and push clean air into your home. Air purifiers with pleated HEPA filter media filter out several airborne allergens including pet dander. 

Air purifiers help clean your home of both pet hair and dander by catching it in its filter before settling on surfaces. If pet odors are your biggest concern then a purifier with carbon filters will tackle tough odors like kitty litter. 

There’s even better news. Air purifiers can help beyond pet dander. Running an air purifier with a pleated HEPA filter will help with common household issues like dust, pollen, and virus particles.