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HVAC Industry Trends

Technology is changing numerous aspects of our daily lives. Trends in how we communicate, drive, eat, and shop, among countless other changes, are reshaping our personal lives and the world around us.

HVAC systems and the HVAC market are no different. As new technologies and innovations shape the world, we are now seeing exciting HVAC industry trends that will make our home more convenient, comfortable, and efficient.


There are many technologies impacting the HVAC industry, HVAC equipment and commercial HVAC, but few will have such a noticeable effect, at least on the consumer side, as wireless functions.

For obvious reasons, going wireless will bring numerous benefits, and more industries are making the switch, including heating and air conditioning. Apps that connect a smartphone to the HVAC system will give everyone, from building managers to homeowners, greater control over their home’s air. Wireless programming will allow you to adjust the air settings wherever you are, even if you’re not in the home.

How people interact with their HVAC system will be significantly changed with wireless technology, and efficiency could be enhanced as people are able to make adjustments at any time, even when they are at work.

Growth Across the Globe

While this may not be noticed by, or even a concern of, ordinary consumers, we will likely see a continual and rapid adoption of HVAC technology across the globe. Areas where HVAC has not been implemented, such as major sections of developing counties, will likely enjoy the benefits of advanced heating, air conditioning, and ventilation systems from the market, leading to an eventual global HVAC market. This will increase the demand for HVAC contractors, manufacturers, and energy-efficient products.

This growth of the HVAC consumer and commercial markets will create new opportunities, from installers to manufacturers of HVAC equipment.

But will global HVAC trends impact consumers?

It could if the increased profits seen by the HVAC market from global growth are, at least in part, converted into the research and development of new advancements in efficiency and affordability.

Greener Solutions to Home Comfort

As one of the most important aspects of the changing HVAC landscape, energy efficiency brought on by a wide variety of innovations, will significantly change the industry as a whole. In the past two decades alone, energy consumption from heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems has improved significantly. People with newly upgraded systems are seeing rapid improvements in energy use, and these improvements will progress.

Smart technology is one of the aspects that will impact energy efficiency to enhance a green building. If a system is able to monitor conditions in the home and make adjustments as needed, it will be far more efficient while maintaining comfortable air when needed. Innovations in materials, as well as designs, will also impact efficiency, and you can expect to see air conditioners and furnaces that use far less energy become more available.

Smart HVAC

As we discussed earlier, a significant trend in the HVAC industry is the adoption of smart technology. Often referred to as the internet of things, devices and appliances are becoming connected, giving them the ability to interact in new ways.

For example, there are HVAC systems that can alert you when a repair is needed, which keeps you from discovering an issue at the worst times. Remote technology allows you to control the settings of HVAC equipment from anywhere, and sensors allow you to receive information on the system at any time.

Sustainability, Connectivity from Buildings Impact HVAC Design

With all the changes happening in HVAC systems and commercial HVAC, we are also seeing innovations in how buildings are designed and engineered.

Sometimes referred to as green-building designs or green construction, architects are rethinking how buildings and homes should be organized to maximize energy. Use of green buildings encompass the HVAC system layout, and could impact the materials being selected by builders.

Solar, Geothermal Growing in Adoption Rate

With new sources of energy, you will find that HVAC systems are drastically changing. Two sources in particular are becoming common throughout the HVAC industry: solar and geothermal, which both enhance energy efficiency.

Solar HVAC systems are versatile because they can be installed in new construction or retrofitted into standing buildings. Using heat and light energy from the sun, these systems power the heating and cooling network, which can be done in different ways.

To heat air, many systems use the thermal energy (heat) of sunlight to directly heat a fluid, which then runs through the heat exchanger to create warm air. Even air conditioners already installed can take advantage of this technology, as solar panels can create electricity to power virtually any air conditioner or, with proper wiring, a heater.

Geothermal is an interesting and surprisingly innovative energy source being implemented in the HVAC market to increase energy efficiency. While practically everyone has heard of solar energy, geothermal doesn’t have the same place in the public mind.

This system uses buried pipes that take advantage of the consistent heat levels found buried beneath the surface. Water is channeled through the underground pipes, where it is heated or cooled (depending on the season), and this change in temperature is then used to provide temperature changes in the home with virtually no energy outside of the force needed to move the water.

Duct Sealing is Advancing in Effectiveness

Possibly the most common energy leakage for an HVAC system, for both residential and commercial HVAC, comes from the ducts. With thin metals that allow temperatures to escape with ease, HVAC systems have been leaking energy for years, but all that is changing thanks to new innovations, including materials and designs.

One of the most effective innovations in HVAC equipment is coming to duct sealing. Most systems currently in use have many cracks, gaps, and tears that allow air to seep out where it’s not wanted.

For example, warm air that’s needed for the living room is instead seeping into the unfinished basement, causing the HVAC system to work much harder (and use more energy) to heat the living room. One innovation uses liquid substances that adhere to the cracks, sealing the ductwork tight.

Zoning the Home

If your home is large, or if you manage a large building, you need to know about HVAC zoning. Essentially, when an HVAC system treats the home as one unit, it consistently pumps the same amount of air to all rooms.

So, bedrooms that are on the sunny side of the house, which may not need as much heat because of the sun’s warmth, will get just as much air on the other side of the home.

By zoning the home with digital technology, different rooms can get the right amount of warm or cool air. Users can set separate climate zones, or turn the warmth down in a room that isn’t being used, such as a guest bedroom. By treating the home as separate zones, HVAC systems can have better energy efficiency and won’t waste as much energy heating or cooling areas that don’t need it.

Integration with Other Controls

Modern buildings, even small residential houses, are being enhanced through a wide variety of connected devices and systems. Things as common as a dishwasher or a refrigerator have been connected to devices, allowing users to control and change settings from any location.

Even systems, such as lighting, are being connected through smart devices. The HVAC systems are not only connected to mobile devices, they are also connected to other systems. For example, a sensor can be used to control lighting in a specific room, and this same multipurpose sensor unit can make adjustments to the HVAC system.

Enhance Your Home Air with an Air Purifier

As the HVAC industry is going through massive changes, one factor for indoor air will remain constant: the need for air purifiers as a supplement to effectively reduce indoor air pollution. With advanced technologies and sophisticated designs, Oransi can help you choose the right air purifier for your office or home. Combined with a high-tech HVAC system, this will result in clean, comfortable air in every room of the house or office.