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Thousands of Oransi Air Purifiers Purchased for Gas Leak

To help residents and schools breathe clean air near the Aliso Canyon natural gas leak in Southern California, thousands of Oransi air purifiers have been purchased to help provide relief.

The California Air Resources Board (ARB) and AHAM recommend the Oransi Erik air purifier with activated carbon filter. Per ARB, “many of the more commonly used residential air cleaners will not effectively remove the odorous mercaptans and other sulfur-containing components of the Aliso Canyon natural gas leak from the air…the most effective air cleaners are likely the portable air cleaners with deep beds (large quantities) of activated charcoal.”

How To Remove Gases

To effectively remove gases like this requires a deep bed and lot of high quality specialty carbon. Oransi EJ and Erik air purifiers feature an advanced proprietary gas filter media that is designed specifically for the most challenging gases.

This gas leak is just one of many air quality issues. Much like the gas leak in Southern California, there are similar gas issues around the world like formaldehyde in building materials in China that require the same type of solution.

“It is a testament to the high performance of our air purifiers to be recommended by AHAM and ARB and to see so many of our air purifiers in use to remove the dangerous gases in Southern California so children and residents can breathe clean, safe air,” said Peter Mann, Oransi CEO.

To effectively remove gases such as sulfur, formaldehyde, methane, and smoke requires high quality activated carbon and in some cases additional media like potassium permanganate. This is a core part of the technology in the Oransi Erik and EJ air purifiers.


*The Erik and EJ purifiers are retired, Oransi still offers filters for all retired purifiers.