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Winter Allergy Symptoms & Relief

Many people with seasonal allergies realize that once winter hits, precautionary tactics must be taken to prevent sniffling and sneezing throughout the holidays. However, plenty of others simply don’t realize the severity of winter allergies and can end up suffering all season long. 

We’ve outlined the four major winter allergens to help everyone with their allergies and to take preventative care of themselves and their loved ones.

Once you have learned the symptoms and triggers of Winter Allergies, read our tips how to combat Winter Allergies.

Pet Dander

There are two main reasons pet hair and dander are especially prominent during the winter. First, since dogs and cats and other fluffy pets aren’t outdoors as much, there is more potential for them to shed their hair or flakes of skin, both of which are high-sensitivity allergy triggers.

Secondly, when they do go outside, the ground is can be wet from snow – depending upon where you live, meaning paws and coats get wet and end up tracking even more allergens indoors than they would during other seasons.

To absorb airborne pet dander before it settles and becomes breathed in by your family, consider one of our Air Purifiers For Pets.


Mold fungus can pop up anywhere in your house or apartment. During the winter, that pesky mold growth is more prominent due to increased dampness from the combination of indoor heating and cold outdoor temperatures trying to seep inside.

Although cleaning those areas of growth is the best way to remove mold once it’s settled indoors, implementing one of our Air Purifiers For Mold will prevent the airborne mold spores from ever settling in the first place.


One of the most prominent winter allergies is smoke, which is another indoor allergen that increases drastically during the cold weather months. The main reason for this is when people live with cigarette smokers, those smokers are less inclined to smoke outdoors and in turn, more secondhand smoke is tracked indoors.

Since secondhand smoke is one of the leading cause of death in otherwise healthy infants, taking precaution is vital in keeping your young ones healthy. To ensure secondhand tobacco smoke isn’t being inhaled by anyone indoors, implement an Air Purifier For Smoke in your home and breathe better than ever. 

Dust & Dust Mites

Indoor dust is obviously one of the more prominent allergy triggers all year round, but during the winter, the nose irritant sees especially increased levels of exposure in homes.

The reason is that once we turn our indoor heating on during the cold weather months, the ventilation stirs old dust that settles in the air ducts and spreads it throughout your home.

To prevent those dust particles from sneaking into your airstream, consider having your air ducts cleaned professionally, then add an Air Purifier For Dust to ensure the dust doesn’t get breathed in by anyone.