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Spring Allergy Symptoms & Relief

Finally, spring is upon us! And the dreaded spring allergy symptoms are back. After another cold winter, we’re all happy to see the temperatures rise and head back outdoors.

However, the seasonal shift does have it’s downfalls – more specifically, spring allergy season, one of the most irritating times of year for allergy sufferers. While there are several treatments to discuss with a medical professional from nasal sprays to allergy shots, an air purifier could be just the ticket to reducing the worst of spring allergy symptoms.

Signs And Symptoms Of Spring Allergies And How To Treat Spring Allergies Symptoms

To prep our health-conscious readers for the impending increase in sniffling and irritated eyes, we’ve outlined the following spring allergy symptoms and relief for the four most common spring allergies. Educate yourself now and help your health later!

four spring allergies: pollen, pet dander, mold, dust

Pollen Allergies

What Is It?

As the new year comes into bloom, pollen particles are produced by blooming plants, budding trees and fresh grass, then concurrently spread everywhere throughout the spring season – causing all sorts of irritation symptoms for anyone with allergy sensitivities. Tree pollen is one of the worst spring allergy offenders.

Airborne pollen particles also trigger hay fever, an allergic reaction that affects over 30% of people worldwide.

What are the Symptoms of Allergies

– Sneezing
– Watery Eyes
– Nasal Congestion
– Runny Nose
– Itchy Throat
– Cough

Allergy Relief

Since outdoor winds carry those pesky pollen particles into your homes and air-stream, avoiding the outdoors is essential to subsiding this prominent spring allergy. Check our MapMyAir app in the app store, or google play store to check the pollen count in your area.

However, that’s not always so easy. And who wants to stay inside for the entire spring allergy season? To keep pollen out of your home, keep your windows closed at all costs and brush off your coat before coming indoors. From there, running one of our air purifiers for allergies will filter out pollen particles in your air that slipped through the cracks and keep your air quality at healthy levels.

Pet Dander Allergies

What Is It?

Pet dander is the material shed from animals – whether that be fur or dry skin particles. Although dander is present throughout the year, dogs and cats shed more dander during the spring months, simply because the harmful outdoor elements are more prominent.

For example, if your dog sheds a lot already…that loose hair is going be filled with even more harmful pollen particles, this spring. And that allergen is going to create a lot of symptoms if not properly cleaned.

Allergy Symptoms

– Sniffling
– Sneezing
– Itchiness
– Watery Eyes

Allergy Relief

The only way to truly alleviate pet dander is by removing the animal(s) from your residence. But, we all know that’s not an option. To maintain your furry friends and limit allergic reactions to pet dander, thoroughly wiping them down after coming in from outside is extremely important.

The next step to safeguard your home would be to run one of our air purifier for pets, to serve as a safeguard for any unaccounted for pet dander particles.

Dust Allergies

What Is It?

We all know what dust is. It’s annoying, right? Well, unfortunately troublesome dust particles will only be getting worse this spring, due to the increased amount of airborne particles swirling around the outdoors – including pollen, dirt and insect particles.

Oh and don’t forget, houses with high humidity will end up with microscopic dust mites as well, which settle into fabrics within minutes of entering your indoor air.

Allergy Symptoms

– Itchy Eyes
– Watery Eyes
– Runny Nose
– Itchy Nose
– Sneezing

Allergy Relief

Since dust seems to inevitably collect in the cracks and crevices of your home, the key to minimal dust collection is to keep the outdoors elements where they came from.

That means, windows need to stay closed, jackets and boots should be left at the door or in a closet, and rooms need to swept and dusted regularly. If that sounds like a lot of work to avoid a dusty allergen, then start running an air purifier for dust in your main living area. 

Mold Allergies

What Is It?

Depending on the humidity in your home, mold could be present all year round. Yet, during the spring months, mold spores are more prominent than cold winter and Fall months because the air – in general – is more humid overall.

Outdoor mold spores are often tracked indoors during outdoor activities like spring cleaning, walking the dog, or going to to park with your family. Indoor mold spores are typically a result of improper temperature levels or leaks.

Allergy Symptoms

– Itchy Eyes
– Watery Eyes
– Runny Nose
– Itchy Nose
– Sneezing

Allergy Relief

To prevent indoor mold spores from growing, target the humid areas – places like basements and bathrooms – and wipe down the walls where perspiration is present.

Then, fix any leaks in your home, for more of a long-term solution. In terms of outdoor mold spores, implementing one of our air purifiers for allergies will absorb mold spores from the air before they settle and ensure they never get a chance to grow and hinder your health.